Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Things I Thought I'd Never Say

Well, here we go. I've joined the new millenium, and am out there for the world to see. Me and my husband, Blizzard, have 20 month old (that's older than a year and half, but not quite 2) twins, Gunter and Zoe.

Zoe and Gunter at the beach last summer.

I stay home with the kids and find myself saying things all the time that I never thought I'd say. Like yesterday. Zoe was going to bed, and she was wearing her leopard print hat with little ears and her favorite shoes, the pink Crocs over her jammies (a very good look, considering the shoes don't fit very well anymore). She freaked out when I tried to remove them. So I said, "OK, OK, you can wear your kitty hat and pink shoes to bed." I hope I don't have to say that to her when she's 17. Anyway, the hat ended up underneath her, but the shoes were still on in the morning. She loves shoes. Gunter loves cars. He likes to hit her, she comes crying to us. Gunter holds food in his mouth and an hour later spits it out. Hopefully this blog will give grandma and grandpa something to tell their friends. Because, really, isn't that what it's all about?

1 comment:

Salty Incisor said...

classic bedtime story