Wednesday, July 2, 2008

More Birthday Pix (and other stuff)

OK, I've found a really big flaw in this blog site!  Let me complain a little, which will describe why the photos on today's post are all skiwampus and sort of out of order.  When I upload photos, I haven't been able to find a good way to move the photos around once they've posted.  So, today's photos are a bit all over the place.  So, until I can get an answer to my complaint, here they are:

Here's Blizzard with the same hat!  He hates it too!

We pulled out the kids pool and they have a blast almost every day.

We went to Thanksgiving Point to the kids garden.  If you haven't taken your kids there, my kids love it -- and yours might, too!  I love this picture.  Zoe looks like she's running away from a stalker.

She is wearing shorts.

Here's Zoe and Blizzard at one of our favorite pizza joints, Rusted Sun Pizza.  Our other favorite is Este Pizza.  If in Salt Lake, you can't go wrong with either.

Grandma and Gunter at The Cheesecake Factory the night of Gunter & Zoe's birthdays.

Grandpa and Zoe at the same place.

This is what Zoe looks like when she can't swing.

. . .and when she can!

Gunter got a basketball and hoop for his birthday -- and from here on out, it will be called a "baketball [did you notice the lack of the "s"?] HOOT!  Because that's how he says it, and it's so much more fun to say like that.  Give it a try!

Zoe coming at daddy. 

Mommy and Gunter.

This is what birthday cake looks like on Gunter.  He even got it on the back of his neck and shoulders.  Did you notice the glob up his nose?

However, Zoe kept relatively clean.  She really doesn't like getting dirty.  Gunter doesn't really have that.

Gunter's first slam dunk.  He did this for about 6 hours straight.  I could hardly put his clothes on him or get him to eat.  Do we have an athlete on our hands?  Probably more like a super fan, just like his grandma Pat (not in these pictures).

They got booster seats, and have loved sitting at the big table to eat.

That's it for today.  I'll try to see what I can do to get this formatted better in the future.  But, let's not hold our breath until that happens.

1 comment:

Marci said...

Haven't heard from you in a little while. Hope you are able to keep up with all the things going on for you. Just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you! ~Marci